Friday, 25 September 2015

3D Kitchen Design - Online Design Service Recommendations

Deciding on a layout and design for a new kitchen is difficult. Trying to imagine the space when your old kitchen is still in place colours your view and can limit the imagination.  If you looking for something new and impacting getting an online 3D kitchen design service can really help.

Many kitchen companies and online suppliers now will offer either a low cost or free 3D design service. Taking your room measurements, window and door positions and cupboard needs to design your perfect layout.

Top tip - Online Kitchen Design

As always try to check a kitchen companies online review and recommendations before make a decision on who to use for a kitchen design. You may find some companies just flood your space with cupboards simple because it increases their profits rather than genuinely looking at what's needed and what's useful in the space. Sadly more often the free services are they type to over fill your space so it maybe worth paying for the design or a couple design reviews.

The resulting design is often provided in two format a diagram floor plan and a 3D visualisation of the resulting kitchen which will help you see and imagine the results.

If your considering an online 3D kitchen design service try contacting:

They can help with either a custom design service or a competitive price comparison on an existing design from a 3rd party supplier.

For more help contact DOK in-house design team.

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